Halloween party ideas 2015


Online Food and Drink Ordering

Online food ordering is a great way to avail your customers the opportunity to effortlessly get your food delivered to their homes or office places.

Online food ordering is seen to be the next  powerful business model  and as a restaurant owner or player in the food industry you should consider exploring it as an opportunity.

One of the major benefits of online food ordering for restaurants is that it makes it easier for customers to place their order faster and quicker.

Ordering food online can take place through the restaurants own website or mobile app or through a food ordering platform,or through whatsapp or even through phone.

A customer can choose to have the food delivered to his home or workplace or for pickup.

Although online food delivery is so convenient ,customers will be subject to extra costs.

As a restaurant owner,no matter your size or status you can implement a food ordering business model that allows you to connect with potential buyers and deliver to them food to them.

Implementing a food order delivery business model will not guarantee you sales if you don't take conscious effort to promote your brand.This can be done in a variety of creative ways. Creating videos and rich pictures of how healthy your food is prepared will give people confidence in eating your food and also vouch for its hygiene.

Read more about health safety concerns to adhere to when running a food delivery solution.

There are numerous platforms that you can signup with that can enable you implement successfully a food delivery system.

Also there are custom marketing and consultancy solutions that you can opt in for,  that will guide you to profitability when running a food delivery business.

The health crises at the moment is a great opportunity for food lovers worldwide to conveniently order food from anywhere and have it delivered.

Restaurants and players in the food business are ditching getting involved directly in the food distribution chain and relying on 3rd party food delivery networks. The logistics involved setting up a new distribution network is cumbersome and financially implicative and if one should attempt venturing into it, an exit strategy or disruptive growth strategy is offering delivery services to other food vendors and admit that competition exists on a very clearly defined food industry which has regulations like kosher food regulations or halaal food regulations or ankh food regulations. 

Explificit Business Insights bring you business related content to inspire you in Business. Contact us for business advisory solutions and content development.

The Food delivery market is huge in Europe and America but very still growing in Africa due to its precarious ethical issues but it is now becoming popular in high brow areas in metropolitan areas especially in places where diaspora people dwell.  #marketing #sales #growth #people #business

 A virtual assistant is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office. ... Some virtual assistants specialize in offering graphic design, blog writing, bookkeeping, social media, and marketing services.

According to Verified Market Research, the Global Intelligent Virtual Assistant Market size was valued at USD 5.0 Billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 50.9 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 30% from 2021 to 2028.2 Nov 2021

This is set to increase with the growing demand for more skilled VAs as businesses all over the world move online.

You can become  a Virtual Assistant and earn from $5 to $50 per hour! Set your own hours. Travel. Spend more time with family. Take time off whenever you need a break and work effortlessly without hassles.

Sign up for our virtual and physical virtual assistant training that would equip you with the right information, skills,techniques and platforms you need to join the virtual assistant industry.

Send us a message on Instagram.

Message us on whatsapp here : +2348120759303

Whatsapp : +2348120759303

Email : info@croninconsult.com 



 Sell your digitally composed sms as NFTs via over 70 mobile networks in over 30 Countries Worldwide and also associate it with understanding how the 

Signup on an online marketplace that allows anyone to simply compose an sms or digital content using basic sms ascii code.S

The business model of sending sms would adopt the Hawala or hewala, also known as havaleh in Persian, and xawala or xawilaad in Somali,which  is a popular and informal value transfer system based not on the movement of cash, or on telegraph or computer network wire transfers between banks, but instead on the performance and honour of a huge network of money brokers

Just as the world's first SMS revolutionized the way people communicate, NFTs are shaking up the art world. A Hawala SMS based NFT network  business model would be a revolutionary  way for people to do business globally .

The proposed solution would creatw a prrmissible legitimate hawala activity, which would boost financial inclusion and bring the unbanked segment of the population into the regulated financial system. 

Financial assets which may be considered as tokens or NFTs would be  transferred via a network of hawala brokers, or hawaladars through basic sms protocols and simple messaging services and also basic communication mediums.

Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other. ... This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can be used as a medium for commercial transactions.

This project or idea would not only bre a fintech solution but has very salient data collection matrixes and would make it a security asset.

The hawanedian is not just going to  e an app but an identity. 

More details on www.explificit.com 

We would model it also using the similar framework of a previous startup of mine www.muyora.com


 Are you an authour of an info product, you have a valuable document, ebook,or report, you want to sell and make money from.

You can try an alternative approach to selling online.70% of Internet Users do NOT have a Credit Card , BUT THEY HAVE A MOBILE PHONE THAT CAN SEND AN SMS

You can make money selling e-reports, edocuments and ebooks online to over 30 countries online.

No need for customers to buy using Credit cards, paypal, going to the bank etc

People can pay for your info products via sms billing from 30 countries.

70% of Internet Users do NOT have a Credit Card.We have a solution that can allow you sell your info content to customers in over 30 countries without them using credit cards/paypal, all they have to do is send an sms and 

are billed on their mobile phone and you earn royalties.

Check out this link for an example download.


also you can promote downloads of content like this : 

If you are in Germany

Just text : FOR2 MYR 4984 to 89000

Supported Networks: T-Mobile,E-Plus,Vodafone,02,Debitel,MobilCom,Talkline

(Please leave a space between FOR2,MYR and 4984 and send it to 89000)


Whatsapp : +2348120759303

All we hear from the Arab world is Dubai Dubai Dubai. Aren't we getting bored of the breath taking wonders of man in his attempt to create a glorious heavenly city of the colours of the rainbow.

For a tourist willing to delve into two dualities of the old and the new , the new city shares a sharp contrast with the old.  For those who have been there and done that for most of the things in Dubai and think there's nothing else to this great city asides spending your hard earned money , We present to you Umm al-Quwain.
There needs to be an emphasis also on the old city and a reference to a futuristic premissory yo transfer desserts into lush green vegetation but so says the dessert dweller to the lush green, I like it deserted fot the sands of time are from here which could be a huge epoch of great proportions.

Dubai is home to very bored beautiful people who could be bored or seek more of coin and luxury and seek new excitement and thrilling experiences.

Umm al-Quwain presents a great opportunity to relive the oriental ancient old way of Arab Emirates . It is an ancient city with great ambiance and an reliving friendly community that will show you the greatest hospitality ever.

Historically the city was known for trade in Agriculture products like  dates, Wheat, millet and other grains. If as an avid tourist and you want a dual experience as opposed to the usual pulsating nightclubs to rooftop parties Umm al-Quwain presents you an opportunity to vacate from the prying eyes of the ever busy  popular cities to experience the nomadic lifestyles of the country's initial settlers simple in their ways.

A new frontier exists in global economic renaissance

New economic models sands of time and the preparation of the magi code of over 2000 years mastery of the sands of time preparing for the massive investment in eco tourism vegetative Green back deal to bring back the oasis . Project oasis.  

Touring Umm al-Quwain  gives you an alternative lively experience as an alternative to the modern futuristic modern skyscrapers, legendary nightlife, exotic landscapes, and desert safaris.

Exploring Umm al-Quwain allows you experience first hand ancient trade routes in proximity to other trade routes of the ancient Arabian peninsula and the Persian gulf.

Umm al-Quwain also offers a signature culinary experience which is clear distinct from anything before.

To enjoy an opportunity for a trip package to this great epoch and also a full Dubai UAE experience. Watch out for a special trip vacation package as provided by

In partnership with Invest in Dubai Campaign by Explificit Media

If you would like to be associated with this article by sponsoring a banner or advert . Click here to order

 How to win an elections Globally 

When it comes to the success of your campaign, it all comes down to strategy.

Challengers and Incumbents have the same goal; they want to win. The difference between victory and defeat is often Campaign Strategy and how it is implemented. Your strategy is the backbone of your campaign. Your strategy will dictate everything from the start of your campaign to your first day in office. So it pays to have a good strategy in place.

Formulating Campaign Strategy

Determining the best campaign strategy for any one election takes time and effort. Your strategy is dependent on several factors, including:

Challenger vs. Incumbent: Are you running for re-election or are you running against a well-established politician? Are you running for an open seat? Is this your first political campaign? Obviously, each situation requires a significantly different strategy.

We can help you come up with a unique strategy that can position you for success.A political strategy that can consolidate your position as an incumbent or a strategy to defeat the existing incumbent as anew entrant into the political space.

As Strategy consultants, we can produce a Political Campaign Action Plan which will outline a detailed strategy on how you can commence a political campaign to target voters in your state,local government or constituency.We can help you develop a persuasive campaign and powerful media message.

Funding: Is your campaign well-funded? Can you afford a full staff? This is often one of the biggest issues at the local level: funding and fundraising. We can help you organise creative campaign fund raising activities to raise funds from A list political donors to grass-root donations from ordinary voters.

Issues: What issues do you plan to focus on and how do you plan to address those issues? How do you target your campaign to those voters who agree with you?
Political campaigns should be driven by issues, you can win a campaign when you expose the incompetencies and mistakes of your political rivals in an honest and competitive way devoid of rancour and pandemonium.

Campaign Marketing: You need a way to broadcast your message to a large number of potential voters and constituents in a short amount of time. This is why it is so important to utilize all forms of campaign strategies, television/radio ads, and other campaign marketing avenues, like door-to-door canvassing etc

Our company can package and coordinate a full online and audio/visual mass media campaign strategy in realizing your political campaign effort. We have integrated solutions geared to provide your campaign the needed thrust and clout to push its message effectively to the people.

We intend to change how Political campaigns are managed and coordinated in the country, using latest technology, resources, e-branding concepts, and more importantly a centralized management system that would show consistency in all forms of campaign mediums, from the official campaign logo, and brand paraphernalia to the campaign poster designs, stickers, flyers, exercise books, bill boards, down to simple mass media form of communications of mobile sms, mobile phone calls, to a corporate official website, online advertising etc.

Grassroot Mobilisation
We know political campaigns  are not won on facebook and twitter, and that is why we also have a grassroot door to door political campaign strategy we can implement.
By having a strategic political action plan and combining with an effective media campaign strategy and also a grassroot mobilization strategy ,you are sure of positioning yourself for success.

Take advantage of our political campaign strategy and marketing solutions and position yourself to win your upcoming  elections.

Talk to us today ...

You can advertise on our website here also : https://www.explificit.com/2021/02/advertise-with-explificit-media.html

You can contact us through e-mail : explicifit@yahoo.com or dutonialmx@gmail.com
Advertise With Us

Connect with me on social Media 

We can help you potentially reach millions of viewers daily. We can help you reach an affluent and educated audience with integrated advertising and promotional programs.
Interested in learning about  advertising opportunities and creative story telling, contact 
us on our official social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.


You can contact us through e-mail : explicifit@yahoo.com or dutonialmx@gmail.com
Advertise With Us

Connect with me on social Media 

We can help you potentially reach millions of viewers daily. We can help you reach an affluent and educated audience with integrated advertising and promotional programs.
Interested in learning about  advertising opportunities and creative story telling, contact 
us on our official social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

We can create content to drive awareness about your business, website, product offers, books, movies, influencer campaign etc
Contact us for media consultancy , advertising, collaborations and other enquiries

Instantly chat with us on WhatsApp : 

Preferably Call us on these numbers : +2348120759303     

Oluwakorede Ayanniyi (A name is not an affiliation top deception and treachery, i would disassociate myself from an affiliation to past conduits, guardians, parenthood, country people who are treacherous and if they seek to associate my name or person to seek privilege, i advise they should be ignored)

Business Developer

Explificit Media
USA NUMBER : +1 202 240 7444

USA WHATSAPP NUMBER : +1 202 240 7444
FAX NUMBER : +18322619618
NIGERIA NUMBER : +2348120759303

So as a business consultant i will be sharing some interesting tips on how you can grow your airbnb business.

Why you need to get travel leads.

A tourism and travel industry business like an airbnb listing needs customers all year round. Tourist leads are people who are consistently on the lookout for great travel offers and incredible memorable experiences. 

Most people who lodge at your Airbnb probably have an event or a memorable experience in mind and have decided to find a good airbnb listing that they can lodge in.

You can easily do this with sponsored ads on Instagram and Facebook. But trust me prople get skeptical when they see an advert of an airbnb listing instead of of an event.
Why you need to market to travel leads?

You can market to these leads using inspirational creative ads exposing the tourist potentials of your area or city. A promotional video advert showcasing some significant landmarks in your city can be a great promotional tool to get people to visit your city and rent your Airbnb or pay for a room.An article like 10 fun things to do in maine or your city is also a powerful way to get people interested in coming over.

Targeted advertising to the right people is very important. And the right kind of advert content is also important. People are very specific and sensitive when they check prices and search for travel opportunitiesfrom prices of airbnb to prices of food items and prices of extra fun activitiesif you know what i mean.

It is highly recommend you get a online travel lead generation consultancy company or business consultant that will help you get leads for your airbnb business on all social media platforms and can help you creatively advertise to these leads and make them an offer too irresistible.

If you want a conversation with me and my team, drop me a message here.

We  accept bitcoin donations and payment request for customized content

binance address : 1EXwHfKQLEoYN8vU7MfVLvNZLbzyus6xPt

We are launching an automated crowdfunding soon, so keep in touch 

You can advertise on our website here also : https://www.explificit.com/2021/02/advertise-with-explificit-media.html

You can contact us through e-mail : explicifit@yahoo.com or dutonialmx@gmail.com
Advertise With Us

Connect with me on social Media 

We can help you potentially reach millions of viewers daily. We can help you reach an affluent and educated audience with integrated advertising and promotional programs.
Interested in learning about  advertising opportunities and creative story telling, contact 
us on our official social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

We can create content to drive awareness about your business, website, product offers, books, movies, influencer campaign etc
Contact us for media consultancy , advertising, collaborations and other enquiries

Instantly chat with us on WhatsApp : 

Preferably Call us on these numbers : +2348082223747 , +2348120759303


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