Halloween party ideas 2015

 How to win an elections Globally 

When it comes to the success of your campaign, it all comes down to strategy.

Challengers and Incumbents have the same goal; they want to win. The difference between victory and defeat is often Campaign Strategy and how it is implemented. Your strategy is the backbone of your campaign. Your strategy will dictate everything from the start of your campaign to your first day in office. So it pays to have a good strategy in place.

Formulating Campaign Strategy

Determining the best campaign strategy for any one election takes time and effort. Your strategy is dependent on several factors, including:

Challenger vs. Incumbent: Are you running for re-election or are you running against a well-established politician? Are you running for an open seat? Is this your first political campaign? Obviously, each situation requires a significantly different strategy.

We can help you come up with a unique strategy that can position you for success.A political strategy that can consolidate your position as an incumbent or a strategy to defeat the existing incumbent as anew entrant into the political space.

As Strategy consultants, we can produce a Political Campaign Action Plan which will outline a detailed strategy on how you can commence a political campaign to target voters in your state,local government or constituency.We can help you develop a persuasive campaign and powerful media message.

Funding: Is your campaign well-funded? Can you afford a full staff? This is often one of the biggest issues at the local level: funding and fundraising. We can help you organise creative campaign fund raising activities to raise funds from A list political donors to grass-root donations from ordinary voters.

Issues: What issues do you plan to focus on and how do you plan to address those issues? How do you target your campaign to those voters who agree with you?
Political campaigns should be driven by issues, you can win a campaign when you expose the incompetencies and mistakes of your political rivals in an honest and competitive way devoid of rancour and pandemonium.

Campaign Marketing: You need a way to broadcast your message to a large number of potential voters and constituents in a short amount of time. This is why it is so important to utilize all forms of campaign strategies, television/radio ads, and other campaign marketing avenues, like door-to-door canvassing etc

Our company can package and coordinate a full online and audio/visual mass media campaign strategy in realizing your political campaign effort. We have integrated solutions geared to provide your campaign the needed thrust and clout to push its message effectively to the people.

We intend to change how Political campaigns are managed and coordinated in the country, using latest technology, resources, e-branding concepts, and more importantly a centralized management system that would show consistency in all forms of campaign mediums, from the official campaign logo, and brand paraphernalia to the campaign poster designs, stickers, flyers, exercise books, bill boards, down to simple mass media form of communications of mobile sms, mobile phone calls, to a corporate official website, online advertising etc.

Grassroot Mobilisation
We know political campaigns  are not won on facebook and twitter, and that is why we also have a grassroot door to door political campaign strategy we can implement.
By having a strategic political action plan and combining with an effective media campaign strategy and also a grassroot mobilization strategy ,you are sure of positioning yourself for success.

Take advantage of our political campaign strategy and marketing solutions and position yourself to win your upcoming  elections.

Talk to us today ...

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You can contact us through e-mail : explicifit@yahoo.com or dutonialmx@gmail.com
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Interested in learning about  advertising opportunities and creative story telling, contact 
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