Halloween party ideas 2015

 Sell your digitally composed sms as NFTs via over 70 mobile networks in over 30 Countries Worldwide and also associate it with understanding how the 

Signup on an online marketplace that allows anyone to simply compose an sms or digital content using basic sms ascii code.S

The business model of sending sms would adopt the Hawala or hewala, also known as havaleh in Persian, and xawala or xawilaad in Somali,which  is a popular and informal value transfer system based not on the movement of cash, or on telegraph or computer network wire transfers between banks, but instead on the performance and honour of a huge network of money brokers

Just as the world's first SMS revolutionized the way people communicate, NFTs are shaking up the art world. A Hawala SMS based NFT network  business model would be a revolutionary  way for people to do business globally .

The proposed solution would creatw a prrmissible legitimate hawala activity, which would boost financial inclusion and bring the unbanked segment of the population into the regulated financial system. 

Financial assets which may be considered as tokens or NFTs would be  transferred via a network of hawala brokers, or hawaladars through basic sms protocols and simple messaging services and also basic communication mediums.

Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other. ... This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can be used as a medium for commercial transactions.

This project or idea would not only bre a fintech solution but has very salient data collection matrixes and would make it a security asset.

The hawanedian is not just going to  e an app but an identity. 

More details on www.explificit.com 

We would model it also using the similar framework of a previous startup of mine www.muyora.com


 Are you an authour of an info product, you have a valuable document, ebook,or report, you want to sell and make money from.

You can try an alternative approach to selling online.70% of Internet Users do NOT have a Credit Card , BUT THEY HAVE A MOBILE PHONE THAT CAN SEND AN SMS

You can make money selling e-reports, edocuments and ebooks online to over 30 countries online.

No need for customers to buy using Credit cards, paypal, going to the bank etc

People can pay for your info products via sms billing from 30 countries.

70% of Internet Users do NOT have a Credit Card.We have a solution that can allow you sell your info content to customers in over 30 countries without them using credit cards/paypal, all they have to do is send an sms and 

are billed on their mobile phone and you earn royalties.

Check out this link for an example download.


also you can promote downloads of content like this : 

If you are in Germany

Just text : FOR2 MYR 4984 to 89000

Supported Networks: T-Mobile,E-Plus,Vodafone,02,Debitel,MobilCom,Talkline

(Please leave a space between FOR2,MYR and 4984 and send it to 89000)


Whatsapp : +2348120759303

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